Customer Experience

How to Write Better Product Documentation with AI

In this guide we’ll cover how to write better product documentation using CustomerIQ.

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How to Write Better Product Documentation with AI

In this guide we’ll cover how to write better product documentation using CustomerIQ. Improving your documentation creates a better self-serve experience for your users and decreases the number of support cases for your support team.

Let’s get to it!

First, connect your help desk to CustomerIQ

  1. If you haven’t already, setup your free CustomerIQ workspace here
  2. Connect your help desk (eg. Zendesk, Hubspot, etc.) or import your past help desk tickets

CustomerIQ will analyze this data, extracting questions, bugs, feature requests, and more. The AI Assistant will use this information to help you improve your documentation.

If you know which articles you want to improve

If you already have a list of guides you want to improve, start here:

  1. Create a new doc and click "Ask AI" in the top right corner
  2. Ask the AI to "Write the user how-to article for [article title] in the following format: Short overview, steps, conclusion

You should adjust the format to suit your needs.

Note: You can ask the assistant to iterate on its answer or expand on specific areas as you see fit

If you don’t know which articles to start improving

Sometimes you know you need to improve documentation but you don't know where to start. For this we'll analyze our support tickets, identify the most frequently asked questions, then write new documentation to answer those questions:

  1. Create a view and filter by Category=questions
  2. Set view to discover themes
  3. Starting from the top theme and working backward, use the AI action menu to “Outline help documentation”
  4. Use the outline provided by the assistant to audit and improve the help center.

You can ask the assistant to focus on just one section of the outline as the entire article, or ask it to iterate on its initial response. Up to you!

Add the updated article to your help center

When you’re done writing in your doc, simply copy/paste your text into the existing article in your help center or create a new one.

Monitor your support tickets moving forward to continue improving your documentation!

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