
Updates and improvements to CustomerIQ

May 31, 2024



We are excited to announce the release of Trends, a powerful new feature in CustomerIQ that allows you to visualize themes in your highlight views and track how these themes are evolving over time.

With Trends, you can easily identify emerging patterns and shifts in customer feedback, helping you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions.

A few ways you can use Trends

  1. Sales: Identify trends in popular feature requests and pain points from calls associated with closed/won deals vs closed/lost deals and using those insights to close more deals.
  2. Product: Identify changes in support ticket themes to understand how our engineering efforts impact reports.
  3. CX: Identify changes in CSAT response themes to track efficacy of new policies.

How to get started with Trends

To access Trends, simply navigate to any Highlight View in your CustomerIQ workspace and switch your chart to "Trend."

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for a free CustomerIQ workspace here.
  2. Connect an integration via native integrations or Zapier. If you connect via Zapier, you will see trends after 1 day of data is created. Native integration will pull the past 30 days.
  3. Build a view and set the chart to "Trend"

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